Awarded Grants
Awarded Grants
SETBP1 deficiency syndrome as an AKT modifer in human neurons
Carl Ernst
McGill Uniersity (Douglas Hospital Research Institute)
Awardee: Carl Ernst
Institution: McGill Uniersity (Douglas Hospital Research Institute)
Award Amount: $67,943
Dimethylspermine (Me2Spm) as a novel treatment approach to restore normal spermidine/spermine ratios in Snyder-Robinson Syndrome (SRS) models
Robert A. Casero, Jr.
Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
Awardee: Robert A. Casero, Jr
Institution: Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
Grant Amount: $69,318
Rapid and unbiased in vivo screen for lead compounds that rescue STXBP1 dysfunction and subsequent in vitro validation in human neurons
Matthijs Verhage
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Awardee: Matthijs Verhage
Institution: Rapid and unbiased in vivo screen for lead compounds that rescue STXBP1 dysfunction and subsequent in vitro validation in human neurons
Grant Amount: $69,588
Phenylbutyrate for STXBP1 Encephalopathy – A Pilot Study
Zachary Grinspan
Weill Cornell Medicine
Awardee: Zachary Grinspan
Institution: Weill Cornell Medicine
Grant Amount: $69,588
Towards new therapeutic treatments for the hyperinsulinism/hyperammonemia syndrome (HI/HA)
Thomas Smith
University of Texas Medical Branch
Awardee: Thomas Smith
Institution: University of Texas Medical Branch
Grant Amount: $72,014
What are the functional consequences of CDKL5 dysfunction in human neuronal cells?
Nicole Van Bergen
Murdoch Children's Research Institute
Awardee: Nicole Van Bergen
Institution: Murdoch Children's Research Institute
Award Amount: $55,898
Testing the efficacy of new pharmaceutical candidates for APBD
Or Kakhlon
Research Fund of the Hadassah Medical Organization
Awardee: Or Kakhlon
Institution: Research Fund of the Hadassah Medical Organization
Award Amount: $52,509
Gene Therapy for Adult Polyglucosan Body Disease (APBD)
Baodong Sun
Duke University
Awardee: Baodong Sun
Institution: Duke University
Award Amount: $51,209
Pericyte contractility in CADASIL
Fabrice Dabertrand
University of Colorado Denver Anschutz Medical Campus
Awardee: Fabrice Dabertrand
Institution: University of Colorado Denver Anschutz Medical Campus
Award Amount: $81,951
Clonal activation of lymph node stromal cells in unicentric Castleman Disease
Ivan Maillard
University of Pennsylvania
Awardee: Ivan Maillard
Institution: University of Pennsylvania
Award Amount: $51,358
Targeting retinoid traffic for treatment of CRB1-CRUMB1 degenerative retinal disorders
Konstantin Petrukhin
Columbia University Medical Center
Awardee: Konstantin Petrukhin
Institution: Columbia University Medical Center
Grant Amount: $44,037
Pharmacological strategies to target nonsense mutations in cystic fibrosis
Luis Juan Vicente Galietta
Fondazione Telethon - TIGEM
Awardee: Luis Juan Vicente Galietta
Institution: Fondazione Telethon - TIGEM
Award Amount: $54,718
Final Report Lay Summary:
Cystic fibrosis (CF), one of most frequent and severe genetic diseases, affects multiple organs but
the consequences to the lungs are the most important ones for morbidity and mortality. The basic
defect in CF is the loss of function of CFTR, a plasma membrane chloride channel expressed in
various epithelial cell types. There are multiple types of CF-causing mutations that impair the
expression, maturation, and/or gating of CFTR protein. Importantly, some types of CFTR mutants
can be treated with drugs named correctors and potentiators. However, nonsense mutations, also
known as premature termination codons (PTCs), which cause the production of a truncated CFTR,
remain without an effective treatment. The overall goal of our project was to develop strategies to
target PTCs. In our experiments, cells expressing mutant CFTR were treated with combinations of
compounds acting at different levels on CFTR biosynthesis and function. We have identified the
most effective treatments for each mutation. In particular, we found that W1282X is the most
sensitive mutation with a large recovery mutant CFTR function, close to 30% of normal CFTR.
Y122X, G542X, and R1162X mutations could be also treated (10% of normal function) using
12 different combinations of compounds. In contrast, R553X mutation was particularly refractory to
pharmacological treatment. The results in our study will pave the way for future clinical trials in
which patients with specific mutations will be treated with the most appropriate compound
Generation and Characterization of a Collagen VI Muscular Dystrophy Zebrafish Model for Drug Screening
Robert Bryson-Richardson
Monash University
Awardee: Robert Bryson-Richardson
Institution: Monash University
Award Amount: $91,176
Testing Niemann-Pick C proteostasis therapeutics on human iPSC derived neurons
Mark Schultz
Regents of the University of Michigan
Awardee: Mark Schultz
Institution: Regents of the University of Michigan
Awarded Amount: $61,637
Adaptive Optics imaging in follow-ups of choroideremia patients after gene therapy
Katarina Stingl
University Eye Hospital Tübingen, Germany
Awardee: Katarina Stingl
Insitutional: University Eye Hospital Tübingen, Germany
Awarded Amount: $61,079
A novel approach for identification of therapeutic leads to the Maple Syrup Urine Disease
Ehud Gazit
Tel Aviv University
Awardee: Ehud Gazit
Institution: Tel Aviv University
Awarded Amount: $44,037
Final Report Summary:
We have recently shown that metabolites, as simple as single amino acids and nucleobases, can form amyloid-like structures, thus providing a novel paradigm for inborn error of metabolism (IEM) disorders. Here, we wish to explore a never-tested hypothesis suggesting that the systemic pathology following branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) abnormally high levels in the blood, serum and urine of Maple Syrup Urine Disease (MSUD) patients may be related to the formation of amyloid-like structures. Our preliminary data provide a proof-of-concept for this hypothesis, indicating that BCAAs can form unique assemblies with amyloid-like characteristics. Therefore, we postulate that high levels of BCAAs can lead to the formation of toxic structures that in turn can be involved in the cytotoxicity observed in the disorder. This discovery can offer new prospects for understanding the complex etiologies of the disease and finding the proper treatment for MSUD patients. Here, we set out to utilize our unique expertise and knowledge in metabolite self-assembly and yeast models for IEMs to address fundamental issues concerning MSUD and for the identification of therapeutic leads.
In the scope of the MDBR project, we were able to successfully establish a unicellular yeast model as well as a multicellular organism nematode model for MSUD. Our data indicate that the MSUD models are sensitive to isoleucine supplied in the growth medium, implying the involvement of isoleucine accumulation and self-assembly in cell toxicity and the pathology of MSUD.
Our yeast model was successfully used as a platform for high throughput phenotypic screening of potential therapeutic agents to target metabolite aggregation. Compounds found to suppress the toxicity conferred by isoleucine feeding of the mutant strain in the screen were further characterized and validated in the yeast system. Yet, the compounds that were identified in the selected screen did not show a significant effect in the nematode model and the neuroblastoma cells and therefore could not be used as a potential treatment. Nevertheless, our successful pilot screen proves the strength of our platform and its future potential for the identification of novel treatment for MSUD patients.
A study of the correlation between gait abnormalities, activity monitoring parameters, CMTPeds and a biomarker in children with Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease
Sylvia Ounpuu
Connecticut Children's Medical Center
Awardee: Sylvia Ounpuu
Institution: Connecticut Children's Medical Center
Award Amount: $60,330
Characterisation of CRB1 patient human iPSC-derived retinal organoids to set-up potency assays for gene therapy
Jan Wijnholds
Leiden University Medical
Awardee: Jan Wijnholds
Institution: Leiden University Medical
Award Amount: $40,177
Pre-malignant Clonal Evolution in Telomere Biology Disorders (TBD)
Daria Babushok
University of Pennsylvania
Awardee: Daria Babushok
Institution: University of Pennsylvania
Award Amount: $62,664
Do osteoclasts mediate bone marrow fibrosis in fibrous dysplasia?
Julia Charles
Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School
Awardee: Julia Charles
Institution: Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School
Award Amount: $54,663